Tuesday, 25 August 2009

site announced!

finally after many frustrating years for ourselves where we have had to keep quiet, the local council have announced that an area in beacon park is the best site for the proposed skatepark!(what we said all along!!!)
initial concept plans that were kindly done by jim kelly have been unveiled to give you all an idea of what the skatepark might look like.

here's what the local newspaper had to say;

LICHFIELD has taken a huge step forward to getting its own skate park, with initial plans being unveiled at an exhibition this Saturday.A feature long called for by citizens, Lichfield District Council this week revealed it had been working behind the scenes with skateboarders to make the park a reality.The proposed skate park would be built on the edge of Beacon Park near the A51 and a stone's throw from Bunkers Hill car park. Preliminary designs will be showcased in an exhibition unit on the site on Saturday, July 18, between 9.30-11.30am."We're keen for everyone who is interested in the skate park, or who has concerns about it, to come along and see the plans for themselves," said Neil Turner, Lichfield District Council's leisure services manager."They will find out how the proposals don't incorporate traditional metal ramps, but instead aim to create an attractive boulevard, street feel."There will also be pictures on display to show how the overall development will be low to the ground, and that sophisticated landscaping will be used to limit its impact on views across the park."The council has worked with local skateboarders on the plans, studying 20 sites to find the best location.Beacon Park was chosen because it will be easy for skaters to get to, yet is a good distance away from local homes."Skateboarding is now an internationally recognised sport, and a growing number of local people are incredibly passionate about it," said Councillor Val Richards, cabinet member for leisure services."We're keen to explore the idea of creating a skate park so they have somewhere to skate, rather than getting in people's way on the streets or in car parks."We also want skaters to be able to develop their skills in a safe area."Fears the park will encourage youths to hang around the site late at night have also been addressed.The skate park will not be lit and the plans are being developed in partnership with police."Police would very much welcome the provision of a skate park for Lichfield which would encourage enthusiasts to practise the sport in a safe environment," said the city's police commander, Inspector Trevor Steventon."It would also discourage skateboarders from using areas of the city centre, such as the Three Spires Shopping Centre, which can create problems for businesses and people living close by."Interest in the sport is growing and the provision of a specially designed skate park would play a positive and constructive role in enabling young people to make the most of their free time."

a pdf file of the 'boards' that jim made for the council can be viewed here; http://www2.lichfielddc.gov.uk/Skate-Park-Boards.pdf