Monday, 13 December 2010


well,firstly i'd like to apologise for the lack of updates.secondly i'd like to say that unfortunately there isn't that much to inform anyone about.however i can tell you that some progress has been made and a draft design is currently in the process of being worked on before it can go forward to get planning permission.
unfortunately due to council rules i can't show you the plans as they are,but it is loosely similar to that in the 'site announced' post which can be found below.
as soon as the plans reach a further stage we will inform all of our members so a proper meeting can be organised where all local skaters and bmx'ers can have their say and input into the finished design.
the next council meeting is due to be held on the 18th january 2011 at 10.30am at the king edwards leisure centre in lichfield.anyone interested is welcome to attend as i'm sick of hearing that people are being left out of the no excuses.
as ever emails can be sent to;

(this is the same email address we have being using for nearly 5 years now and has been widely publicised.)